Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The List.


I've finally sat down and done it. I've written 'The List'. I'm putting it here to help keep myself accountable, but also because it will be interesting to see how well you match up to the list. Don't worry if you don't... if there are things that differ, it just means my tastes changed ;)

Love you!

Just a Girl, Someday a Wife

1.     Must be a Christian. Cannot afford to compromise this again as it makes things too difficult.
2.     Will like being involved with each other’s friends.
3.     Family is important, especially in being involved with each other’s.
4.     Outgoing. Likes to just go out and do random things.
5.     Outdoorsy. Likes to camp, hike, just hang out at the lake.
6.     Loves music. Preferably a variety of music, but as long as it’s not solely country, hip hop, rap or R&B I’m content.
7.     Willing to change his facebook status. It’s silly, I know, but indulge me a little. It’s not like I’m high-maintenance.
8.     Geeky. At least a little geeky. I don’t know what I’d do if I was with a guy who couldn’t geek out.
9.     Taller than me. I’m short enough as it is, I couldn’t handle someone shorter.
10.  Is adventurous. And random.
11.  Can be completely silly or totally serious.
12.  Has his own car/license.
13.  Able to support himself.
14.  Has goals for the future.
15.  Likes to sing, even if he can’t sing well.
16.  Is good with finances (since I’m TERRIBLE at them).
17.  Is a good communicator. A good relationship requires a lot of communication.
18.  In tune with his emotions.
19.  Somewhat sensitive, but not overly so.
20.  Doesn’t smoke.
21.  Doesn’t smoke weed or other drugs.
22.  Not a heavy drinker.
23.  Loves me endlessly!


Dave said...

I don't usually agree with the idea of 'the list', but this is a pretty good one!
He's out there somewhere, now you go out and find him!

Miss Anita said...

I like the one about the facebook status. It's such a small thing but it does mean a lot, eh?
well rounded list there.

therabbitholeofalice said...

I also keep letters to my future husband :) I almost thought I was the only one who did that.

I write in a journal, telling him all of the adventures in my day, my joys, my heartaches, my confusion. I plan on giving it to him as my wedding gift.

SomedayWifey said...

@Dave - I think lists are important because they help keep us accountable on the things we shouldn't compromise. But one also has to be very careful when writing them. The list shouldn't be about things you 'want' like 'Handsome, washboard, blue eyes, likes only this or dresses like this'. They should be about things you need within a relationship.

@Little Missy Me - It's such a little thing, but it means a lot. If someone isn't willing to shout it out to the world that they're with you, then how much do they really want to be with you? Someone that you love and really want to be with should be someone that you are proud of being with.

@TherabbitholeofAlice - That's crazy! That's exactly what my plan has been the whole way through. I initially started this in a journal, so there's a lot more in it... but I address the confusion, frustration and all of it. I sometimes worry that when I give him this wedding gift he'll think it weird... but then I realize that whoever God has meant for me is going to be someone who appreciates things I do, and will be someone who understands my heart, which means they will most likely appreciate this gift.