Thursday, March 18, 2010

Somewhere, someday, my prince will come my way

It's not surprising that in this day and age, many young women (and young men), struggle with being single and waiting on God to bring that special person, that soulmate, into their lives.

I can't claim to be free of that burden myself. I am in fact, struggling with that regularly. On the one hand, it's a heavy burden that often leaves me feeling much less than happy, and wondering why, when so many find it with ease, that I cannot find love at all. On the other hand however, it is a relief, because I have learned over the years that God will not allow a burning desire (a true, un-sinful burning desire that is) in your heart if He has no intention to fill it. So I move forward each day trusting in God, and knowing that no matter how much I may pine or desire for that special relationship, it will be presented to me when it's time, and beyond that, the more I give it to God and let HIM be in control, the more amazing that relationship will be.

Perhaps I am strange, doing what I am doing, but I find God settles my heart, and my frustration the more I do this, and the more I turn to Him. When I am frustrated or upset, I write a letter to God on that frustration, followed by a letter to my future husband.

I have found by doing this, it allows me to take the focus off who my crush might be, and instead, focus on the idea that my future husband is out there one day. It also gives me the opportunity to truly communicate my feelings with God, and let Him be my comforter.

I can only pray and hope that my letters will help to encourage at least one other young woman out there, struggling with the same.

Yours in Christ,
Just A Girl, Someday a Wife


Joy DeTete said...

I like that, It's nice to know that the desires I feel are promised to be filled :)

--I still have a few years though lol

SomedayWifey said...

His Doorkeeper - I LOVE Beth Moore. I have been saving up to get her Bad Girls of the Bible books, as there is SO much we can learn from them :)

Joy - I think I have a few more years too, but the encouraging thing is to know we're not waiting needlessly!!!!!!

Akelamalu - I agree, save for those who are called to singleness, but then again, they usually realize this and aren't struggling in looking for someone... and even if they chose to have someone, there is probably someone out there for them.

Thank you for the comments!

Kelly said...

Thank you so much for your kind words about my blog. It makes me really happy that you enjoy reading it.

I enjoyed reading your posts just now. I can totally relate to how you're feeling. It seems like I always go through cycles of being content with singleness, but then just so excited and ready to meet my husband, then back to liking singleness. It's rough. I pray God will continue to give you such great insight and that He will, in His time, give you a very Godly marriage! Until then, it's nice to know there are people like you in the "waiting room" with me, haha.