Thursday, May 26, 2011

If you're going to marry me, you better like Disney World.


I've been a little slow when it comes to actually writing out that list, thanks in large part to the fact that I'm not really energized these days. But that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it. In fact, I pour over different things that should be on that list every single day.

Today I concluded three things that are must haves.

#1 - You have to be willing to go to Walt Disney World for our honeymoon. I don't care if you think it's silly. I love Disney World. And besides, you don't want to take me anywhere else because I won't end up paying attention to you. This isn't a bribe. I've been to Disney enough times that it's not new. So enjoying it with you would be a new and exciting adventure. If you take me anywhere else, I can promise you that I would end up completely geeking out and getting all 'history buff' on you. I would be far more interested in the historical landmarks and exploring than focusing on you.

I'm sorry. It's not you, it really is me. I can't help it; I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff.

Besides... I REALLY want to go to Disney World for our honeymoon (and of course, we'd have to visit Universal too).

#2 - You must be a geek. If not full geek, at least partial. I need a man who is capable of completely geeking out with me, and playing video games or doing other nerdy stuff. I need someone who will understand my geek references and enjoy watching my sci-fi movies and shows with me.

#3 - You need to have good taste in music and that good taste must include liking a variety. I don't care if you prefer one genre over the others (heck, I totally prefer alt rock and indie), but you've got to love listening to the other stuff too. It's very difficult to date a guy who won't let me rock out to Daft Punk or blast Black Eyed Peas and Cascada once in a while.

Of course, listing these qualities to you probably won't do much, because by the time you read this I'll have already found out if you have them or not. Clearly these aren't dealbreakers... but if it has turned out that you are lacking these qualities and are laughing at me right now as you read this, I can promise you... do any of these three things, and you'll make me the happiest person ever.

But I hope you realize we'll be going to Disney World every few summers. You can blame that one on my dad... he's the one who had us fall in love with doing that.

P.S. Just thought I'd through it in there.... you better be willing to change your facebook status to show in a relationship with me. I want to know you're totally for me, damnit!

Love you always,

Just a Girl, Someday a Wife

1 comment:

Miss Anita said...

LOVE the fact that someone else out there wants to go to Disneyworld for their honeymoon! and definitely must be geeky also. good list I say