Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The end of the beginning...

As I said when I was last in a relationship, it's hard to write letters when you are dating someone, to your future husband.

Especially when you know that your future husband is the one that you are dating.

Though I sat down and tried to post a million times, I realized that everything I was writing about, everything I was feeling, were things I should be discussing with him, not in letters to him.

We're getting ready to start the rest of our lives together. Engagement is around the corner, embarking us on a strange new journey.

So now? Now the letters will be shaped and reworked into a wedding gift for the man God has placed in my life to take on the world with me.

And now? Now this blog will be to embark on the journey of how we got here today. The letters are key. The letters helped prepare my heart for the right man. But the journey changes now. And since all of you have bore witness to the shaping of my heart through the trials and over the years, it's only fair that I allow you to witness where it all changed, and where patience led to the greatest gift God has ever given me.

I won't be upset if you decide not to continue this journey with me. But I want to share it anyways. Because really, what's a fairy-tale without the happy ending?